ICM → CCE (Virtual)

Visioning & Strategic Planning 1 (CCE) - June 2025 (2025-06-17-VSP1-VNP)


June 17-18, 24-25, 2025 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM on all 4 days

Click the Registration Information hyperlink below for the registration link and more details.

This course is titled Visioning & Strategic Planning 1, as it is the first offering of the course this year. There will be a second offering later in 2025.

Course description:
The Visioning & Strategic Planning course gives court leaders and managers the tools they need to develop a vision and achieve goals using strategic planning. Court leaders often assume that the vision and mission of a court are self-evident and that the process of achieving consensus for a vision is a waste of time. This course demonstrates that having a vision and a strategic plan is an effective way to define priorities and allocate limited court resources.

As a result of participating in this course, participants will be able to:

  • Examine court performance issues from a strategic perspective.

  • Discuss the importance of encouraging strategic thinking and decision-making at every level of the organization.

  • Apply the techniques involved in strategic planning, including developing mission and vision statements, and goals and action plans.

  • Discuss the leadership, teamwork, and organizational foundations that are required to create and implement a strategic plan.

  • Draft a plan for implementing a visioning and strategic planning process in their own court.

Completion rules
  • All units must be completed